Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"How many brothers and/or sisters do you have?"

How do you answer the question, "How many brothers and/or sisters do you have?"


  1. I tell people that I have one sister up in Heaven and one brother here with me. I miss her a lot and I wish she was here with me. I love my Chrislyn.

  2. Brittney is too young to give you her answer, but I can tell you what she tells people that ask her how many brothers or sisters she has. She is quiet promt and blunt in telling them that she has two brothers, David and Ashley Conrad but David died, and mommy has a baby in her tummy. Yes, that is how she says it all one breathe. I must admit that she is a normal 5 year old, blunt and short on tact.

  3. Even though my daughter is only two and a half, she will tell you she has two brothers in heaven. I think it is important not to under estimate a childs understanding because they are young. She was just two when her twin brothers were still born and she knew the boys did not come home and that there was much sadness in the house.

  4. When I was 8 and my brother passed from SIDS everyone started saying the number of children that were still here at the time was 4. My brother Craig was the 5th child and I would get mad because I said just because he is not physically here, he is still and will always be my brother. Till this day when people ask how many siblings I have he is ALWAYS included in the number.

  5. AnonymousJune 29, 2009

    I was nine when my brother died. I always include him when I tell people how many brothers I have. He's still my brother.

  6. AnonymousJuly 19, 2009

    my newborn daughter just died a month ago and i will always be a mother of 3.and her brother and sister will always remember her, forever

  7. I always say I have two sisters and a brother. One of my sisters is in heaven.

  8. AnonymousMay 26, 2010

    My daughter always says she has 3 sisters one is in heaven though. She will always be their sister no matter if she's here or with God.

  9. I say I have two brothers and one sister. I generally don’t talk to people I just met about my brother dying. But if they meet my family or ask about ages I say Emma is 9 and Jamie is 11, but Jonathan died when he was 5 and one half months old. I just feel like I will get too much pity and I like people to treat me fairly without any pity

  10. I tell everyone i have two sisters and two brothers.. one blood sister and one is my aunt's daughter, I'm more a sister than a cousin.... and two brothers... one who is now 18 and one that would have been 16 this year... i don't hide it... its not a burden, it is a sad reality with wonderful memories attached. i don't always think about the bad, i try my best remember the good time and the laughs, and let the happy thoughts bring smiles rather than tears.. i will never forget and his name will live on.. love you Zachariah

  11. AnonymousJuly 15, 2024

    I tell people I have a twin brother (who passed away) and a sister. Bobby and I were 2 months & 6 days when he graduated from this life but on that day 9 years later, my sister was born.

    For the past 10 (ish) years I've had a local florist take flowers to the cemetery for me on our birthday and I have them send a photo (He is buried in CA and I live in UT)
